Top things you may have missed at Dreamforce 23!

What an inspiring and epic Dreamforce, September 12-14, with the OpenText team! It was fantastic to connect with people and colleagues face to face to…

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Lee Van Cromvoirt

September 26, 20234 minute read

What an inspiring and epic Dreamforce, September 12-14, with the OpenText team! It was fantastic to connect with people and colleagues face to face to meet and learn from one another at the world’s largest IT conference. Our theme was all about making information your superpower! We help connect people, processes and documents together with Salesforce® to maximize results for employees and experiences for customers. As we look back, here are a few things that were top of mind!

1. AI! AI! AI!

Dreamforce was centered around this common theme of AI and how Salesforce AI (Einstein) will shape the next generation of Salesforce CRM and the way people work. OpenText has made some very exciting AI announcements recently with the launch of the new trusted information AI Platform, OpenText Aviator, that will change the information landscape future.

In particular, OpenText Content AviatorAn AI-assisted conversational search and content summarization solution that allows you to simplify navigating large volumes of content across multiple languages to quickly find relevant information. You can access and create content and workflows faster. It also improves reuse of existing knowledge and information, and eliminates human time and resources spent understanding and translating content. Also, OpenText Experience Aviator – AI-assisted authoring and content creation. It enables you to auto-create personalized and empathetic content using generative AI, aligning with customer expectations for better customer satisfaction and lower churn. It also enhances personalization and recommendations providing more engaging interactions resulting in higher customer satisfaction, improved efficiency and growth.

OpenText helps our customers to digitize time-consuming document handling and manual data entry with powerful AI-assisted machine learning that intelligently captures and routes mission-critical documents and data to where they need to be.

Together with Salesforce the future of data and documents together is looking smarter!

OpenText speaking session at Salesforce Dreamforce 23

2. Back to document basics!

Many customers we spoke with at our booth and attending our sessions were still struggling with content silos across multiple systems including Salesforce, poor document collaboration, and disconnected processes – all without effective and secure document controls.

Ingestion of business data and documents, managing those documents in a connected way, as well as delivering impactful communications is critical for healthy information flows and operational excellence across the business. We help organizations of all types including regulated industries to protect information and maximize document workflows seamlessly together with Salesforce. Being able to leverage your information at your fingertips in this way is not an easy thing to do to make it frictionless for your Salesforce users and your customers. Most organizations are seeking to increase agility and productivity by extracting the maximum value from their processes, data, and documents together. However, sales and services teams are only as good as the information they can efficiently access.

OpenText helps our customers solve these complex information problems with smarter solutions building a strong foundation and connected framework for documents.

3. One trusted partnership together with Salesforce

We were delighted to invite a number of customers to an exclusive lunch with OpenText CMO, Sandy Ono, and various senior representatives of Salesforce in the tower! Attendees learned how OpenText and its unique, strategic view across multiple vendors was a huge compliment to the ecosystem. The VP of ISV solutions at Salesforce stated – it’s now all about “Data + AI + CRM + Content”.

Rather than multiple disconnected and fractured document process systems, Salesforce data and documents should be seamlessly managed together throughout the entire customer lifecycle for a comprehensive 360° view of the customer. This simple and powerful approach to information management reduces risks, fuels productivity and collaboration, and delivers exceptional customer experiences.

We drive next-level teamwork not only around Salesforce document process optimization, but also across the entire organization with integrations to other business systems for ERP and HCM, as well as out-of-the-box integrations to Microsoft 365®, Microsoft Teams®, and Google Workspace®.

OpenText is trusted by 98% of the Fortune 100 organizations and is your one end-to-end information management solution provider for Salesforce.

Want to learn more? Join us for our post Dreamforce webinar event!

Join our Webinar on October 5 at Noon EST to explore more about how OpenText can help you with smarter documents for Salesforce processes and see real use cases and demos in action. Register here. For more details on smarter document solutions for Salesforce visit our website or the Salesforce AppExchange

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Lee Van Cromvoirt

As part of the OpenText Alliances & Solutions Marketing team focused on Salesforce integrations, Lee’s goal is to help organizations explore how content enriched business processes are driving the information advantage.

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