
Revolutionize your e-discovery process with Aviator Review:  Axcelerate’s new generative AI review tool 

In a world where speed is paramount and data volumes and complexity continue to grow exponentially, time is of the essence. Legal professionals looking to…

July 10, 2024 2 minute read
What’s new in EnCase eDiscovery Cloud Edition (CE) 20.3

What’s new in EnCase eDiscovery Cloud Edition (CE) 20.3

Collecting data is a crucial requirement for responding to litigation, regulatory response and investigations. However, key data is spread over a myriad of sources—from desktops…

3 minute read

What’s new in OpenText eDOCS Release 16.7.2

What’s new in OpenText eDOCS Release 16.7.2

Repetitive tasks are the bane of every knowledge worker, including lawyers. According to a report by McKinsey Global Institute, over 40% of workers spend at…

2 minute read

What everyone should know about moving 5 million documents – fast

What everyone should know about moving 5 million documents – fast

As a Canadian energy provider, NAL Resources remains committed to meeting current needs without compromising the needs of future generations. This endeavor demands a constant…

2 minute read

No more searching through the haystack for City of Dallas

No more searching through the haystack for City of Dallas

For the City of Dallas, a small team faces a big task to collect data for public record requests, litigation and HR investigations. Led by…

2 minute read

10 steps to modern ESI investigations

10 steps to modern ESI investigations

Modern electronically stored information (ESI) investigations – interrogating a large collection of electronic documents to quickly answer the key questions and locate the critical evidence…

5 minute read

Ever wonder how lawyers balance the scales of justice?

Ever wonder how lawyers balance the scales of justice?

The practice of law is an undertaking in pursuit of an ideal: justice. Unfortunately, the processes involved in this pursuit can be time-consuming and costly,…

2 minute read

So, you want to search your own documents for eDiscovery?

So, you want to search your own documents for eDiscovery?

When organizations ask, “Can’t we collect our documents ourselves?” the answer is simple. You can, and not only can it cost less (on the face…

2 minute read

What’s new in OpenText Axcelerate Cloud Edition (CE) 20.2

What’s new in OpenText Axcelerate Cloud Edition (CE) 20.2

Although the way our clients manage litigation, investigations and regulatory compliance and response have rapidly changed to virtual and remote workplaces, the core eDiscovery tools…

4 minute read

Announcing OpenText Cloud Editions (CE) 20.2 for Legal Tech

Announcing OpenText Cloud Editions (CE) 20.2 for Legal Tech

Today, the traditional modes of business communication have literally shut down. Yet litigation, investigations and regulatory compliance haven’t let up. At OpenText™, we understand that…

3 minute read

Scanning the headlines for digital truth

Scanning the headlines for digital truth

Every day brings news of a security breach, high-stakes litigation or fraud. So, where do those working on both sides of the headlines turn for…

2 minute read

How an eDiscovery consulting firm keeps AI in their toolkit

How an eDiscovery consulting firm keeps AI in their toolkit

As a recognized eDiscovery expert and founder of Anger & Associates, Carolyn Anger is enthusiastic about technology. Self-described as ‘MacGyvers’ in eDiscovery, Anger & Associates…

2 minute read

How to optimize EnCase for a work-from-home workforce

How to optimize EnCase for a work-from-home workforce

The current global situation has necessitated home-working by many millions of employees, but in the legal and law-enforcement world, there is still a requirement to…

4 minute read

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