Add collaboration to your mobile business app development

Users of high value software development tools are aware of the benefits that tools like OpenText™ Gupta TD Mobile provide for their software development projects….

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Martin Teetz

October 4, 20183 minute read

Users of high value software development tools are aware of the benefits that tools like OpenText™ Gupta TD Mobile provide for their software development projects. They are used to shortened development cycles, higher productivity of development teams and lower overall cost of software development. With every new release, OpenText is increasing the value that development teams obtain from using Gupta TD Mobile.

One large value for software development teams is leveraging the power of source control. Team members can access cloud based or intranet based code repositories and collaborate on development projects. Developers can access source code files of multiple versions of a project. They can add code and submit changes to the repository. Code changes from other team members can be accessed by all developers. These key features are mostly accessed using simple command line tools or third party apps that provide a visual user interface. Traditionally, developers needed to step out of their IDE to manage their source code and submit it to source control.

With Gupta TD Mobile 2.2, developers do not need to step outside of their IDE anymore to access their source control features. TD Mobile 2.2 provides direct access to source control from within the IDE. Developers can open files under source control with just one click. They can see the entire project tree and work on all files of the project.

Modified files can be submitted to the central source repository which can be on-premise or in the cloud. Developers can download changes from others and merge them with their version of a source file. Gupta TD Mobile 2.2 includes a diff tool that compares source file versions and highlights differences in source files. All important source control features are just a mouse click away in the source control pane of TD Mobile.

Gupta TD Mobile 2.2 works with popular source control systems like SubVersion, Git and Microsoft Team Foundation Server. The source repositories can be in the local network, a global intranet or in the cloud. All the source code providers provide enhanced security and encryption for global access via the internet so your source code is always well protected.

Source control adds another level of usability and productivity to Gupta TD Mobile. Developers now do not need to step outside the IDE to manage source code files. All the most used tasks can be executed with little effort through the intuitive new source control pane of TD Mobile.

Gupta TD Mobile 2.2 introduces more productivity enhancing features. Read more on our Gupta TD Mobile web page and give it a try using our on-demand test version.

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Martin Teetz

Martin is an experienced Product Marketing Manager with long history in designing and marketing development and database software, marketing remote access software including launching the first Windows software development IDE and Windows database. He’s a keen content contributor to OpenText social channels.

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