Are your business processes getting the data they need to succeed?

Humans are social creatures—we were born to be socially connected and we understand the world, and ourselves, better when we are in relationships with others….

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Deidra (Dei) Jow

March 11, 20192 minute read

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Humans are social creatures—we were born to be socially connected and we understand the world, and ourselves, better when we are in relationships with others. We need feedback from all sorts of people to help see the bigger picture and make better decisions. Similarly, organizational processes need information from a wide variety of sources to operate effectively and efficiently. If they can’t easily access that information because it’s isolated on data islands, it can cause the enterprise to suffer.

Islands are for vacation, not for data

If you see that your sales are slowing over the past six months, but your staff headcount in customer service is increasing to deal with service issues, how easily can you discern patterns from all your data sources as to why this might be happening?

When you dig into your CRM system, can you see if there are recurring problems with a product originating from a specific manufacturer? When you sift through Microsoft® Outlook®, can you see if anyone has sent any proactive communication to customers about this? If you flip over to Microsoft Teams, can you see if any service reps have mentioned this issue—or are the service requests hidden in some SharePoint® file?

Truth is, it’s impossible to get a full view of what’s going on in your business if doing so means digging around in various data silos, constantly switching from one application to another and piecing together bits of information. The business is suffering if you are constantly stitching together a patchwork of information to find the critical things you need to pay attention to.

Connect content to bridge islands of information

When you connect content and provide it in context, you fuel more informed decision making by bridging the islands of information. When you connect the content you have created in Microsoft Office 365™, Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and have stored in SharePoint, to the processes you use daily to run your business, such as CRM, ERP and HCM, you enable your workers to gain a better understanding of customer needs and opportunities, streamline your critical business operations and have a 360-degree view of your business.

See it in action by exploring how Jemena, a leading Australian gas and electricity company, connected content and context to fuel their business efficiencies and empower their staff with OpenText™ Extended ECM for Microsoft® Office 365™.

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Deidra (Dei) Jow

Dei is a Sr. Product Marketing Manager for OpenText Microsoft solutions. These solutions help customers connect content, people, and processes and enable them to run their complex Enterprise business at scale. She has been in the software industry for 25+ years and previously worked at Microsoft and has a degree in Business Marketing from the University of Hawaii.

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