Reducing the data gap

Manufacturing organizations have risen to the challenge of thwarting the disruptions from COVID-19. There’s plenty to applaud among companies across many sectors—automotive, high tech, and…

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February 10, 20213 minute read

Manufacturing organizations have risen to the challenge of thwarting the disruptions from COVID-19. There’s plenty to applaud among companies across many sectors—automotive, high tech, and industrial and materials manufacturing. To meet consumer demand for products, they worked around the clock to keep plants operational, supply chains up and running, and production lines moving. Some even did a complete pivot, completely changing production processes to address shortages of critical medical equipment and personal protective equipment.

Operating in a global pandemic has led to a time of self-reflection. Manufacturers are assessing organizational resilience and looking to make improvements that boost agility and increase efficiency in a post-COVID world.

Prioritizing cloud-based collaboration for a digital-first workplace

Cloud-based collaboration has become integral to organizations striving to adapt to the current global pandemic. It will also be critical as they work to become more cohesive, stable and productive in the year ahead. In times of crisis, being able to securely share information related to service, installation, maintenance and operations—both inside and outside the organization—is a must.

Yet an information access gap remains for many. Critical documentation—equipment manuals, job instructions, materials lists—is often stored in different formats in different content repositories. Limited access to operating documentation in the field can deliver a huge blow to productivity. And lackluster service leads to customer dissatisfaction. Relying on out-of-date field records or poorly documented installation guides can also impact compliance.

But the potential repercussions can be even more serious: working without the most current operating guidelines can put employees’ health and safety at risk.

Anytime, anywhere, any device: Collaboration to increase efficiency and safety

Rapid, reliable collaboration in the field requires secure mobile access to content. Bridging content silos with an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system provides a single source of truth, consolidating content regardless of the origin or source. This ensures stakeholders are working with the most relevant and current content.

The next step is providing ubiquitous access—getting field documentation, health and safety guidelines and other critical information into the hands of service and maintenance personnel, mobile field engineers and contractors. With cloud-based content collaboration, employees can instantly access information within existing content management systems (CMS) and make edits and collaborate in real time. This helps them stay productive and connected, from anywhere and any device.

Mobile access to manufacturing content increases efficiency, improves communications during emergency situations and supports compliance with current regulations. It also reduces cost and risk by eliminating unnecessary travel for personnel and time-consuming management of paper-based documentation.

Manufacturers are poised to come through the pandemic stronger than before if they lean on technology to build a more resilient business. Learn more about how OpenText™ can help with remote access for manufacturing operations and discover why the global top 20 manufacturing companies rely on OpenText technology.

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