ILTACON has been a staple for legal and IT professionals for over 40 years, and this year’s conference promises not to disappoint. The agenda is packed with sessions on collaboration, technological advancements and tangible takeaways that address the challenges law firms and corporate legal clients face on a daily basis.
Spend less time searching for information
Big data is old news; “content chaos” is your new challenge. The cloud has delivered incredible flexibility to collaborate at speed, but the push to enable a work anywhere/anytime environment has created a new wave of chaos. We start projects locally, share an initial file through email, push it into a collaboration space and invite colleagues to contribute, they share suggestions by email, IM, and chat, and when the project is completed the finals are distributed omnichannel.
How do knowledge workers even know where to look for the slice of insight that’s relevant to them? They often don’t. According to McKinsey, “employees spend 1.8 hours every day searching and gathering information. Put another way, businesses hire 5 employees but only 4 show up to work; the fifth is off searching for answers, but not contributing any value.”
Why is this? One reasons is that information is locked in silos. Not only is it difficult to find emails containing information about your clients, projects and matters – it’s often near-impossible to see related documents side-by-side.
At ILTACON, OpenTextTM experts will provide knowledge and strategies to unlock these information silos, including:
- How OpenTextTM Decisiv helps streamline information access through AI-augmented, single search across all enterprise content repositories, including integrated supervised machine learning capabilities from our expertise in eDiscovery.
- A sneak peek at the upcoming integration of the Recommind search engine into eDOCS, enabling faster access to information, including faceted filtering, subject matter expert recommendations, ability to find “similar” documents and more.
- How OpenText Email Filing, eDOCS Edition helps reduce time spent searching for information by providing time-saving tools to capture, organize and classify emails alongside related work product.
Practical applications of AI (beyond TAR) to make your life easier
AI continues to be a hot topic at ILTACON as organizations look to technology to automate and assist knowledge workers. Litigation professionals acutely feel that pain as they try to make sense of the content chaos for eDiscovery review projects. Technology-assisted review (TAR) plays a key role in driving efficiencies in the eDiscovery process, but there are lesser discussed but still important applications of AI that make the lives of our clients easier.
One innovation is the recent release of OpenText Axcelerate’s Predictive Filtering capabilities, integrating a new machine learning capability straight into our Smart Filters. As documents are reviewed, Predictive Filters generate relevancy scores for metadata fields like MIME type, content fields like keywords, and even work-product fields like privilege. The new Predictive Filtering feature is a game changer for fact finders, delivering an AI assistant to suggest hidden search queries leading to potentially relevant information.
Not only does Axcelerate suggest specific documents for review; the Predictive Filtering suggests entire search categories, opening new avenues for technology-assisted investigations. And to help legal professionals wring every ounce of insight out of their information we are integrating OpenText Magellan analytics into Axcelerate, starting with sentiment analysis.
Bring your own content to the OpenText booth at ILTACON and see how Magellan breaks it down into positive, negative, and neutral tones, automatically identifying and ranking the most and least positive statements.
The cloud: access information anywhere, anytime (and never upgrade again!)
At OpenText Enterprise World 2019, we announced an expanded strategic partnership with Google Cloud. The partnership will clients move information management workloads, including eDOCS, to the Google Cloud, and reinforces OpenText’s “deploy anywhere” strategy to give organizations worldwide secure and easy access to their content.
Additionally, eDOCS, with cloud-ready, highly scalable architecture, is also offered on-premise, in the OpenText Cloud, or with flexible cloud hosting in a variety of clouds including Microsoft Axure and Amazon Web Services, managed by OpenText Professional Services.
Securing the information advantage
Law firms and corporate legal departments hold treasure troves of valuable information – confidential, trade secret, privileged, NPI, PHI, PII and more – so it’s no surprise that they are high-risk cybersecurity targets. One of the fastest growing sources of threats, however, is from the inside with 40% of breaches going from internal sources. These types of breaches can go undetected for months or longer.
To address this threat, OpenText has developed the new eDOCS Defense module with document-level encryption and real-time activity monitoring alerts. By identifying unusual activity patterns, such as mass file downloads or off-hours access, IT managers can automate threat detection and escalation while protecting their information. But no perimeter is fool-proof, and the new advanced encryption techniques will mitigate the consequences of any unauthorized access by rendering documents unreadable.
We’ll cover these topics along with best practices and example alert models at our ILTACON education hub, About that Information Leak: It’s Coming from the Inside (10 a.m. on August 21 in the exhibit hall).
OpenText at ILTACON is more than just a sum of its parts
There aren’t many opportunities like ILTACON to network with other legal technology professionals and developers alike. Make the most of it and create your own personal information advantage by stopping by the OpenText booth #406 and keeping current with the latest legaltech innovations.
And if you miss us at ILTACON, please join us on Wednesday, August 28 for a live webinar featuring how to manage email chaos.