GDPR, Digital Transformation, Capture and xECM

It’s been a busy year for the OpenTextTM ecosystem team, with a number of ASUG (Americas’ SAP® Users’ Group) Webinars and SAP Radio events taking…

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Jonathan Beardsley

August 22, 20184 minute read

It’s been a busy year for the OpenTextTM ecosystem team, with a number of ASUG (Americas’ SAP® Users’ Group) Webinars and SAP Radio events taking place. If you missed any, the following are available on-demand.

Effective Capture is the first step in Digital Transformation

Working with Harvey Spencer Associates, OpenText developed a great whitepaper on how capture and digitization of content is the first step in effective digital transformation—after all, you can’t go digital without digital content! To accompany the report, we recorded a live Q&A session to talk capture and digitalization.

Some of the topics covered in the report include:

  • Why is capture so important to an SAP-centric digital strategy?
  • How does a capture solution work with email attachments?
  • What level of document recognition can be expected from a capture solution?
  • How does capture differ from OCR?
  • Since capture is still a mission-critical business enabler, what are the significant trends going forward?
  • How can machine learning technologies be used for capture solutions?

You can find the report here, and a recording of the Q&A here. And for more information on the future of OCR and machine learning, check out this blog.

OpenText Extended ECM for SAP Solutions

Most SAP customers have in place business processes that involve enormous amounts of data and documents—content that once captured in an SAP system needs to be managed, archived or delivered to the appropriate place.

To examine the potential return on investment of implementing OpenText Extended ECM for SAP, SAP commissioned Forrester Research to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study, highlighting the key quantifiable benefits identified by SAP customers.

In parallel with the TEI study, we recorded an excellent webinar with John Fiske (Vice President of Data Governance, Center of Excellence, SAP) and Jeffrey North (Principal Consultant, Forrester Consulting) to discuss in detail a framework for evaluating the financial benefits of SAP ECM by OpenText. Topics include:

  • How providing customer-facing mobile users remote access to archived documents can accrue $1.29 million over three years
  • How automating product documentation can result in time savings equal to $504,000 – and automating invoice management and related vendor and customer correspondence can save nearly $809,000, plus $336,000 in additional payment term discounts
  • How a combination of streamlining printer networks, reducing compliance and storage costs, and decommissioning old tools can save $1.5 million

You can listen to the webinar here and learn more about OpenText Extended ECM for SAP here.

Deconstructing GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is one of THE big topics at the moment for all businesses, having taken effect on May 25, 2018. As with any new standard or regulation, organisations are working rapidly to ensure they are compliant.

OpenText recently delivered a webinar for ASUG entitled Deconstructing GDPR: Tips for Unlocking & Extracting the Hidden Value with Compliance Driven Transformation. In this webinar, we talk about what GDPR means for organizations, and how solutions from SAP and OpenText are enabling customers both comply with—and gain competitive advantage from—GDPR. To listen to the recording, follow this link.

Image result for stay calm and gdpr

In addition to the webinar, OpenText has a wealth of information here on what GDPR means for our customers.

Charting the path to Digital Transformation

No matter where you go, the term ‘Digital Transformation’ is everywhere, yet too often organizations are missing out on opportunities to drive efficiencies and gain a competitive advantage. In this session we present how organizations are leveraging SAP S/4HANA and OpenText’s solutions as a launch pad for innovation, made possible through faster decision-making. Topics include:

  • Gain insight into where other organizations are on their journey to S/4HANA
  • Learn about which best practices to apply to ensure your approach to digital transformation leads to optimized processes, increased compliance and a successful transition to SAP’s modern digital landscape.

Digital Information

Information is the fuel that drives successful SAP S/4HANA implementations. Now more than ever, it’s critical that information is digital, starting with data acquisition through processing and analytics.

Successful digital transformation must be built on digital information, the controlled intelligent application of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) during processing, and immediate access to relevant and accurate information. Whether on-premises, in the cloud or hybrid, the information flow is critical to a successful digital transformation. In this session, we review digital strategies to achieve digital success.

You can listen to this webinar here.

SAP SuccessFactors Extended ECM by OpenText

SAP is running a long series of SuccessFactors webinars from May through to September. The first webinar shows how customers can use SAP SuccessFactors Extended ECM by OpenText to manage their complete employee digital records, increasing efficiency, minimizing risk, and reducing costs.


With GDPR now live, SAP SuccessFactors Extended ECM by OpenText can ensure that an organization’s HR data and HR content are compliant.

You can listen to this webinar here.

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Jonathan Beardsley

Jonathan is a Program Manager in Business Transformation and Digital Disruption, particularly interested in how customers are digitally transforming their supplier, customer and business relationships and where OpenText can help. Previously a CEM Architect for 15 years working across a variety of Digital Marketing requirements, helping customers deliver new and innovative online and digital channels.

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