Elevate the developer experience with AI-led DevOps

Experience the power of generative AI and next-gen LLM in OpenText DevOps Aviator with the OpenText CE 24.3 release.

Michael O'Rourke profile picture
Michael O’Rourke

July 16, 20243 minute read

open laptop with man's chest and arms visible, working on keyboard; AI chart and files appear to be coming from screen

In this dynamic era of software development, companies are even more dedicated to delivering innovation and high-quality applications faster. However, success in DevOps requires a delicate balance of speed, agility, and quality. Any missteps along the way can lead to late software delivery, poor customer satisfaction, rework, and low morale among teams.

Take an innovative approach where AI removes the guesswork and complements human creativity to become tomorrow’s solutions. OpenText is already pioneering this new era of possibilities using generative AI and large language models (LLMs) with our software delivery solution, OpenText DevOps Aviator.

Take flight with DevOps Aviator

OpenText DevOps Aviator is the ultimate solution for optimizing software delivery in the digital age. Its cutting-edge generative AI capabilities and next-generation LLM empowers developers, supercharges application delivery, and unlocks deep insights into your digital value stream.

With the latest advances and innovations introduced in OpenText Cloud Editions (CE) 24.3, DevOps Aviator enables you to

  • Transform every click and step into GenAI-powered tests.
  • Harness AI-generated test steps.
  • Ask AI anything about features, defects, and tests.

Transform every click and step into GenAI-powered tests

With CE 24.3, DevOps Aviator enables you to generate high-octane automated tests effortlessly. Leverage its next-generation AI to easily translate manual test scripts into either automated codeless tests or Gherkin BDD tests. Automate tests with less human involvement with DevOps Aviator to drive productivity from days to minutes.

ValueEdge window greyed out in background with small window open in foreground that reads "Generate a codeless test with Aviator" and a "Generate" button
DevOps Aviator generates automated codeless tests based on manual tests with one click.
ValueEdge window greyed out in background with code highlighted in white
DevOps Aviator converts test steps into Gherkin format.

Harness AI-generated test steps

Generating tests with the power of AI accelerates test creation from start to end. DevOps Aviator now suggests manual test steps with a simple command. Harness generative AI to cut back on tedious tasks and focus more effort on value-generating work in DevOps Aviator.

Ask AI anything about features, defects, and tests

DevOps Aviator translates complex information into plain English. Its AI-assisted chat agent, called Smart Assistant, empowers you to request information rapidly using a simple conversational interface and get simple, concise responses in a user-friendly language.

The latest enhancements in CE 24.3 amp up Smart Assistant’s support of diverse use cases. You can interact with AI to get quick answers about defects, as well as features and tests. Now everyone on the team can gain fast, actionable insight that saves time and

  • Generates a breakdown of suggested tasks.
  • Analyzes root causes and impacted areas.
  • Summarizes previous comments and related issues.
Aviator Backlog window open with SkySight chat pane open
Smart Assistant suggests content from its AI-assisted chat interface as requested.

Reimagine engineering with DevOps Aviator

DevOps Aviator saves time and delivers high-quality software while leaving risks and setbacks behind. No matter your level of expertise, its cutting-edge generative AI capabilities and next-generation LLM can reduce the burden on software development and testing.

Take productivity to new heights with DevOps Aviator to

  • Boost productivity from days to minutes.
  • Accelerate decision-making with fast, actionable insights.
  • Level up efficiency across the entire value delivery flow.
  • Empower developers and testers with value generating work.

Learn more about OpenText DevOps Aviator.

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Michael O’Rourke

Michael O’Rourke is a product and marketing technologist with 20 years of experience in cloud, enterprise software, and DevOps. His diverse background derives from countless successes at HPE, IBM, T-Mobile, and more. He holds a degree in Management Information Systems and is a certified Scrum Product Owner, Scrum Master, PMP, and Pragmatic Marketing practitioner. He is also an international speaker, trainer, and blogger. At OpenText, Michael drives the development and execution of go-to-market strategies for OpenText DevOps and VSM solutions.

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