Why information matters for the resilient organization

Every company must become an information company to thrive in the next decade. We hear that a lot – but what does it really mean?…

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July 15, 20204 minute read

Every company must become an information company to thrive in the next decade.

We hear that a lot – but what does it really mean? Today, most organizations generate a lot of data. Supply chain information, customer interactions, employee records, office management data, asset usage records. The list is endless, and the challenge is to turn that data into insights that can inform business decisions, automate actions, and transform operations.

The four million hectare office

South African National Parks (SANParks) is home to 80 percent of the world’s rhino population. In 2014, the number of rhinos poached—killed for their horns and other parts—hit an all-time high of 1,359.

Now, the team is increasingly staying ahead of poachers and last year reduced the number of poaching incidents to 593. SANParks achieved this by adopting a new vision, one where they are an information company – just one with four million hectares of “office space”.

The conservation team at SANParks is using information management technology to track the rhinos, supply relevant information to employees, and ensure the protection of these majestic animals.

Key to fulfilling their mandate was the ability to automate processes, enabling employees to focus on other, more meaningful tasks. The digital transformation project has helped SANParks with its mission to preserve its abundant natural resources and expand its community of conservation advocates through greater connectivity and collaboration.

Water, power and community

Businesses that generate insights from their data can use that information not only to inform business decisions and automate tasks, but also to understand customers’ changing needs.

The public utility Salt River Project is a great example. Salt River Project not only supplies power and water to over a million customers in the greater Phoenix area, but also run outreach programs designed to help their customers protect water and power resources—critical for the prosperity of the desert region. Part of running the outreach programs involves creating content for local chambers of commerce, animal rescue organizations, and other nonprofit entities.

This used to be a time-consuming process, but with OpenText™ Media Management and OpenText™ Hightail™, reviews and approvals have been streamlined for both internal and external audiences—helping SRP accelerate the delivery of creative content to their clients.

36,000 curbside meals

The importance of responding to changing customer needs can apply to non-traditional customers as well. Take the Garland Independent School District (ISD), for example.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Garland ISD continued to supply 36,000 meals a day to students who rely on the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Free and Reduced Lunch Program.  To streamline the complex process of tracking and reporting free meals, Garland ISD transitioned to a digital solution offered by PCS, and built with OpenText LiquidOffice.

“Meal counts would take a lot longer if we were doing everything by paper without a centralized location,” said Jason Hickman, technology coordinator with Garland ISD Student Nutrition Services. “Knowing how many meals we’re serving definitely helps all of the other cogs in the process do what they have to do as far as daily ordering, approving, shipping and receiving to get the food to the schools.”

Garland ISD has simplified meal counts, expedited reimbursement from the USDA, and enabled informed decision-making through improved accuracy in the data. Having all their meal count data in one place, available when and where they need it, enables Garland ISD to better meet the needs of its students and communities—now and in the future.

Building the resilient organization

Resilient organizations must be able to adapt quickly to accelerating change. Across organizations, this requires technologies and processes that enable you to derive insights from your information, automate manual tasks, and achieve greater connectivity and collaboration.

Find out how OpenText can help your organization become resilient with our on-demand content from OpenText Enterprise World Digital.

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OpenText, The Information Company, enables organizations to gain insight through market-leading information management solutions, powered by OpenText Cloud Editions.

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