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What’s new in OpenText Axcelerate

The latest announcement by OpenText of Cloud Editions includes some great updates to OpenText™ Axcelerate™. Check out the latest updates below. April 2024: What’s new…

April 29, 2024 22 minute read
Announcing OpenText Legal Tech CE 21.2

Announcing OpenText Legal Tech CE 21.2

Efficiency is not just a buzz word. Early access and insight into data, whether it be litigation, investigations, ECA or even securing a new client,…

3 minute read

Yesterday’s collection woes need not be today’s (or tomorrow’s) problem

Yesterday’s collection woes need not be today’s (or tomorrow’s) problem

Collection is often considered the most technically rigorous and complex phase of eDiscovery—it involves the acquisition of potentially relevant electronically stored information (ESI) from native…

7 minute read

Announcing OpenText Security and Protection Cloud CE 21.1

Announcing OpenText Security and Protection Cloud CE 21.1

Large-scale cyberattacks have recorded a 5-fold increase during the pandemic. The recent SolarWinds breach, potentially the first of many such attacks, is also among the…

5 minute read

What’s new in OpenText Axcelerate CE 21.1

What’s new in OpenText Axcelerate CE 21.1

Corporate legal teams are struggling with an increase in workload – especially around “unplanned work” like investigations. At the same time, data volumes are growing,…

4 minute read

Solving the review team conundrum

Solving the review team conundrum

In litigation and investigations, legal teams must collect, process (make searchable) and review often large volumes of electronically stored information (ESI). Time is of the…

5 minute read

The evolution of investigation and early case assessment

The evolution of investigation and early case assessment

Facing ever-increasing legal, regulatory and resource pressures, corporate counsel and their external legal advisors must stay ahead of the curve to protect and promote their…

4 minute read

What’s new in OpenText Axcelerate CE 20.4

What’s new in OpenText Axcelerate CE 20.4

Today’s economic climate necessitates that legal teams do more with less, including the ability to manage higher volumes of projects within tighter budgets and shorter…

4 minute read

The seven critical requirements for modern data collection

The seven critical requirements for modern data collection

In an earlier blog, I discussed the trends necessitating a modern approach to data collections to support early case assessment, investigations and eDiscovery: an increasingly…

4 minute read

Modern data collection imperatives in today’s remote reality

Modern data collection imperatives in today’s remote reality

Modern data collection for eDiscovery has always been demanding. Today, the challenges are exacerbated by a number of trends, including an increasingly remote workforce. By…

3 minute read

Eliminating legal task inefficiencies

Eliminating legal task inefficiencies

According to a recent Gartner survey, legal leaders are struggling with their workload since COVID-19. Along with severe cutbacks to mitigate the economic effects of…

5 minute read

Resilience and innovation in the face of insecurity

Resilience and innovation in the face of insecurity

Switch knows data. As a world leader in data center ecosystems with 100% uptime, the Las Vegas company powers connection and safeguards data for Amazon,…

2 minute read

10 steps to modern ESI investigations

10 steps to modern ESI investigations

Modern electronically stored information (ESI) investigations – interrogating a large collection of electronic documents to quickly answer the key questions and locate the critical evidence…

5 minute read

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