
Equipping threat hunters: Advanced analytics and AI part 1

As cyber threats grow more sophisticated through AI-powered malware, zero-day exploits, and state-sponsored attacks, organizations face an increasing challenge in safeguarding their digital assets. The…

September 17, 2024 6 minute read
The need for continuous endpoint visibility

The need for continuous endpoint visibility

In the world of security, you can always count on one simple truth: you can’t respond to a threat that hasn’t been detected. And with…

4 minute read

Addressing the skills shortage in security

Addressing the skills shortage in security

Cybersecurity incidents currently represent one of the biggest threats to organizations. Yet in today’s enterprise security landscape, security leaders have the impossible job of providing…

4 minute read

Security in a zero-trust world

Security in a zero-trust world

Keeping your data and IT infrastructure safe and secure is more challenging than ever in today’s “zero-trust” world. But what does “zero-trust” mean? The reality…

4 minute read

OpenText Enfuse: A must attend event

OpenText Enfuse: A must attend event

Leading up to OpenText™ Enfuse 2019, we caught up with Patty Nagle, OpenText SVP & CMO to get her insights on what to expect at…

4 minute read

OpenText Enfuse: It’s going to be an incredible event

OpenText Enfuse: It’s going to be an incredible event

Ranked by as a “must attend” and “most relevant” cybersecurity technology event, OpenText™ Enfuse features a unique blend of technology, experts and labs to…

4 minute read

Getting the most from OpenText EnCase

Getting the most from OpenText EnCase

Whatever your information security, forensics or eDiscovery challenges, having access to the right technology and experts is critical to getting the job done right. But…

3 minute read

Learn the latest digital forensics trends at Enfuse

Learn the latest digital forensics trends at Enfuse

If you work in digital forensics or information security, keeping up with all the latest threats and technologies can feel like a full-time job. It’s…

4 minute read

How is the enterprise security landscape changing?

How is the enterprise security landscape changing?

In today’s world, the job of protecting enterprise data has never been more challenging. On average, a G2000 enterprise receives a million security alerts a…

3 minute read

Find information in emails – faster

Find information in emails – faster

As email communications in the legal industry reach higher volumes — often upwards of thousands or even the previously unthinkable millions of emails per client…

4 minute read

Sharpen your eDiscovery skills at OpenText Enfuse 19

Sharpen your eDiscovery skills at OpenText Enfuse 19

Data volumes will keep growing in the years ahead, as will the number of regulations on data security and privacy. For businesses and other organizations…

4 minute read

Elevate your data security and investigation potential

Elevate your data security and investigation potential

To stay competitive and succeed in today’s digital economy, organizations need to be up to date on data security. And if you work with data,…

4 minute read

Become a cybersecurity forensics expert

Become a cybersecurity forensics expert

The number of data breaches at businesses continues to grow steadily, and research shows the costs of such security failures can haunt an organization for…

3 minute read

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