New Cloud Offerings at Enterprise World

Enterprise World 2014 is now officially closed and was one for the history books. We had 1, 950 attendees, 464 partners, 181 sessions, and 16…

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Mark J. Barrenechea

November 19, 20143 minute read

Enterprise World 2014 is now officially closed and was one for the history books. We had 1, 950 attendees, 464 partners, 181 sessions, and 16 countries were represented over 6 days for one killer experience. Martin Short rocked the house.

Our focus this year was on the Digital-First World that is fast approaching. We highlighted the need to simplify, transform, and accelerate every process for unstructured information both within the enterprise and throughout the business network.

We also talked about the centrality of the cloud in a Digital-First World. The cloud will be fundamental for communications, information exchange, and commerce transactions between business partners. Organizations will need applications to effectively manage their enterprise information traversing the cloud—applications for managing it securely, across any device and provided through a modern,
simplified user experience.

At Enterprise World, we unveiled innovations that will help enterprises transform for the digital future. We announced a service pack that brings new analytics, systems management, usability, and other enhancements to each of our Enterprise Information Management (EIM) suites. We announced a new hosting service and new subscription pricing models. While these capabilities are important enablers of a Digital-First World, customer attention clearly gravitated to OpenText Core—our new EIM SaaS offering.

OpenText Core is EIM built for the cloud, built for the enterprise. It delivers lightweight, on-demand, enterprise-grade information management in the cloud. It’s the perfect addition to our portfolio and gives our customers more choice and more flexibility for cloud-based information management.

As was evident from our announcements last week, we’re going to go faster and more aggressively into the cloud both through our technologies and our business models. We are moving into a subscription economy. New business models will continue to emerge and evolve. Hybrid deployments will be commonplace in the Digital-First World and will enable customers to balance their workload, meeting all their data sovereignty requirements while leveraging the power of the cloud. We will provide a spectrum of deployment options.

I always find it invigorating to engage customers and partners at Enterprise World to discover how our solutions power their business,
and to unveil innovative new products that position them for success and leadership in their industry. Their reactions, feedback, and insights are priceless. This year was no exception. Digital is here. It is real. Customers are actively embracing it. We will help them get there.

While Enterprise World has ended, our journey of digital transformation has only begun. I look forward to continued dialog with you—valued customers, partners, and members of the enterprise community, in the days and weeks ahead. I’d be interested to hear about your story of digital transformation—feel free to share in the comments below.

I also encourage you to read about digital transformation in my new book Digital: Disrupt or Die. It is an informative discourse about the Digital-First World and offers a blueprint for reinventing your business, gaining competitive advantage, and embracing all this exciting new era has to offer.

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Mark J. Barrenechea

Mark J. Barrenechea joined OpenText as President and Chief Executive Officer in January 2012, and also serves as a member of the Board of Directors. In January 2016, Mark took on the role of Chief Technology Officer and was appointed Vice Chair in September 2017.

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