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July 16, 2024 7 minute read
NACHA Global Payments Forum 2013 – a GXS Waltz in Vienna

NACHA Global Payments Forum 2013 – a GXS Waltz in Vienna

In a recent announcement GXS highlighted the reasons behind our new membership to the National Automated Clearing House Association’s Global Payment Forum. Last week, I…

4 minute read

AS2 or Traditional EDI – Which is Better?

AS2 or Traditional EDI – Which is Better?

Companies of all sizes have found significant cost savings by automating high-volume or time-consuming processes—B2B commerce is no exception. Automating the exchange of business documents…

5 minute read

Why You Should Consider AS2

Why You Should Consider AS2

Electronic exchange of B2B commerce documents will help to eliminate errors, minimize processing time, and provide better visibility into your business processes. AS2 (Applicability Statement…

3 minute read

Eight Ways to Mitigate Operational Risk in the Cloud for Financial Services

Eight Ways to Mitigate Operational Risk in the Cloud for Financial Services

GXS recently sponsored a webinar titled “Compliance in the Cloud: Raising the Bar in Financial Services.” CEB TowerGroup Senior Research Director Rod Nelsestuen joined me…

3 minute read

How B2B Integration Automates the Procure-to-Pay Cycle for Manufacturing Companies

How B2B Integration Automates the Procure-to-Pay Cycle for Manufacturing Companies

Large companies in the aerospace, automotive, high tech and industrial manufacturing sector purchase trillions of dollars of goods every year.  Most of the purchases consist…

4 minute read

Banking & Web Services: The File is Dead, Long Live the API

Banking & Web Services: The File is Dead, Long Live the API

Today most, if not all, financial transactions flowing between Banks, Financial Institutions, Corporates, Government agencies, Insurance companies and Securities counterparties are based on files. In…

6 minute read

Benefits of using ASNs (Advanced Shipment Notices)

Benefits of using ASNs (Advanced Shipment Notices)

I continue to be surprised by at how many companies are still not requiring Advanced Shipment Notices (ASNs) from their suppliers.  Advanced shipment notices provide…

3 minute read

What Are The 4 Best B2B Models For Your Business?

What Are The 4 Best B2B Models For Your Business?

When your company exchanges business documents electronically with your trading partners – your customers, suppliers, logistics providers and/or banks – one of the decisions you…

5 minute read

To Drop Ship or Not to Drop Ship? That is the Question (to ask Your Suppliers)

To Drop Ship or Not to Drop Ship? That is the Question (to ask Your Suppliers)

For retailers, meeting customer demand no longer relies on how much free space is in your back room. Online shopping has helped retailers open up…

3 minute read

After Abandoning Commerce One, SAP Ends Up Acquiring Ariba

After Abandoning Commerce One, SAP Ends Up Acquiring Ariba

Yesterday, SAP announced its intention to acquire B2B e-commerce vendor, Ariba for $4.3 billion. In addition to its suite of spend management and procure-to-pay applications,…

5 minute read

Why Pay Suppliers on Time?

Why Pay Suppliers on Time?

It is not news that buying on credit (open-account) dominates global trade. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) generally acknowledged that at least 80-85% of…

5 minute read

EDI Invoices are e-Invoices. Right..?

EDI Invoices are e-Invoices. Right..?

It probably goes without saying that electronic invoicing has been around for some time now, but for different reasons it is only just beginning to…

6 minute read

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