
Revolutionize your e-discovery process with Aviator Review:  Axcelerate’s new generative AI review tool 

In a world where speed is paramount and data volumes and complexity continue to grow exponentially, time is of the essence. Legal professionals looking to…

July 10, 2024 2 minute read
Optimizing Subject Rights Requests: Minimizing Risks and Costs Through Adaptive eDiscovery Workflows – Part 2 

Optimizing Subject Rights Requests: Minimizing Risks and Costs Through Adaptive eDiscovery Workflows – Part 2 

In part one of this blog series, we discussed that subject rights requests (SRRs), including Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) vary substantially in their requirements…

4 minute read

What’s new in OpenText Insight

What’s new in OpenText Insight

The latest announcement about OpenText™ Cloud Editions includes some great updates to OpenText™ Insight. Check out the latest updates below.   April 2022: What’s new in Insight CE 22.1…

4 minute read

The How, When, Where, What and Who of dealing with data breaches

The How, When, Where, What and Who of dealing with data breaches

Data breaches—and the associated exfiltration of data– are a harsh reality of our digital world.  Business savvy organizations take all available steps to protect sensitive…

8 minute read

Support eDiscovery at scale to master modern work

Support eDiscovery at scale to master modern work

Remote and hybrid work environments are here to stay and as corporate legal teams begin to reassess their needs in a post-pandemic environment, they are…

4 minute read

Maximizing compliance and minimizing risk: corporate investigations in the DACH region

Maximizing compliance and minimizing risk: corporate investigations in the DACH region

A recent survey conducted by Legal Business, sponsored by OpenText, found that organizations in the DACH region are experiencing a resurgence in regulatory and whistleblower…

3 minute read

Mitigating regulatory compliance mandates and investigation risks

Mitigating regulatory compliance mandates and investigation risks

Modern investigations require interrogating a large collection of electronic documents to quickly answer the key questions and locate the critical evidence—which are intensely demanding in…

3 minute read

Optimizing Subject Rights Requests

Optimizing Subject Rights Requests

The ACEDS sponsored webinar by OpenText, Data Privacy for eDiscovery Pros – Strategy and Execution with Andy Teichholz covered the foundations of information governance to…

7 minute read

Beating the bad odds of an antitrust investigation

Beating the bad odds of an antitrust investigation

Corporate mergers and acquisitions are high-stakes, high-stress situations. While the vast majority of mergers raise no serious competition concerns, some proposed transactions—especially high-profile strategic mergers…

8 minute read

“How can I use AI?” and other challenges overheard at Legalweek 2022

“How can I use AI?” and other challenges overheard at Legalweek 2022

The Legalweek 2022 event earlier this month was an exhilarating in-person experience, highlighted by sharing ideas face-to-face with leading attorneys, legal technologists and industry experts….

7 minute read

Introducing OpenText Insight TAR Predict best passage highlighting

Introducing OpenText Insight TAR Predict best passage highlighting

As timelines and budgets continue to shrink and the volume of ESI in eDiscovery and investigation matters continues to grow exponentially, the substantial time and…

5 minute read

What is eDiscovery software?

What is eDiscovery software?

The discovery process in litigation requires that parties must exchange documents deemed relevant to the case. As most documentation is now created, stored and exchanged…

10 minute read

What factors are driving change in your corporate investigation processes?

What factors are driving change in your corporate investigation processes?

This blog has been co-authored by Rachel Teisch and Andy Teichholz. Significant increases in the quantity and complexity of information, along with growing compliance and regulatory…

4 minute read

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