
No more chasing paper trails – capture all your financial fax with digital precision

Implementing digital fax and capture systems can lead to significant cost reductions: 

July 9, 2024 4 minute read
The year of the ISO 20022 migration

The year of the ISO 20022 migration

2022: The Year of the ISO 20022 Migration Major banks around the world are currently preparing for one of the most anticipated migrations in the…

4 minute read

Key trends for the Financial Services industry in 2022

Key trends for the Financial Services industry in 2022

As we head into 2022, it’s clear that the Financial Services industry overall has responded well to the impact of COVID-19 — but it hasn’t…

5 minute read

The ISO 20022 Countdown Begins: How Should You Prepare?

The ISO 20022 Countdown Begins: How Should You Prepare?

This article is co-authored by Ruchi Bhardwaj ISO 20022 is one of the hottest topics in the financial industry but what is it, what are the benefits and challenges, and how should you take…

6 minute read

Bridging the data ‘achievement gap’ for financial services

Bridging the data ‘achievement gap’ for financial services

Every financial services organization today understands the importance of data maturity. Data maturity is about maximizing the value of your data to answer business questions,…

5 minute read

Focus on customer experience to stand out from your retail banking competitors

Focus on customer experience to stand out from your retail banking competitors

Conventional marketing wisdom dictates that acquisition is where you focus all your efforts. After all, you need new customers to sell to! However, when that’s…

5 minute read

Money talks, WeFi listens

Money talks, WeFi listens

It takes money to make money, goes the old saying. And it’s true. Setting up a business requires investment in a place, people and products….

4 minute read

Automating EDI for supply chain efficiency

Automating EDI for supply chain efficiency

“Necessity is the mother of invention” — an old proverb that rings especially true today. Driven by change, uncertainty, and opportunity, businesses everywhere are innovating…

4 minute read

Providing a superior experience for commercial banking customers

Providing a superior experience for commercial banking customers

The banking industry—which includes retail banks and credit unions, wealth and asset management firms, and corporate and treasury divisions—faces severe challenges. It’s become more important…

2 minute read

Early adopter in a laggard industry: Accelerating tech innovation in insurance

Early adopter in a laggard industry: Accelerating tech innovation in insurance

In an industry generally known for slow adoption of technology, one insurance business discovered that the COVID-19 pandemic provided the catalyst it needed to prioritize…

3 minute read

Banks are fighting a multi-front war on fraud

Banks are fighting a multi-front war on fraud

According to S&P Global, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a “perfect storm” for financial services companies, which witnessed a 238 percent increase in cyber attacks in…

4 minute read

Could digital fax be a secret weapon for cybersecurity in financial services?

Could digital fax be a secret weapon for cybersecurity in financial services?

Last year, a foreign exchange company in the UK, Travelex, cited cyberattack as a key factor in its decision to file for bankruptcy. It’s estimated…

4 minute read

Banking must improve digital experiences across the customer journey

Banking must improve digital experiences across the customer journey

COVID-19 accelerated digital transformation across every industry sector. New research shows that digital transformation and providing positive customer experiences are the top two priorities for banking in a…

5 minute read

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