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Wendy Cole

Wendy is a long-time legal technology and eDiscovery enthusiast. Having participated in many facets of the legal and legal technology industries, her broad range of experience spans from being on the front-line of eDiscovery projects as a civil litigator and eDiscovery counsel, to managing and marketing legal technology software and services for global organizations.

Revolutionize your e-discovery process with Aviator Review:  Axcelerate’s new generative AI review tool 

In a world where speed is paramount and data volumes and complexity continue to grow exponentially, time is of the essence. Legal professionals looking to…

July 10, 2024 2 minute read
Introducing OpenText Insight TAR Predict best passage highlighting

Introducing OpenText Insight TAR Predict best passage highlighting

As timelines and budgets continue to shrink and the volume of ESI in eDiscovery and investigation matters continues to grow exponentially, the substantial time and…

5 minute read

Announcing OpenText Legal Tech CE 21.2

Announcing OpenText Legal Tech CE 21.2

Efficiency is not just a buzz word. Early access and insight into data, whether it be litigation, investigations, ECA or even securing a new client,…

3 minute read

Go further, faster without leaving your home office

Go further, faster without leaving your home office

Legalweek(year), like everything else in our lives at present, will look different this year. We won’t be gathering in NYC to socialize and have face-to-face…

4 minute read

The evolution of investigation and early case assessment

The evolution of investigation and early case assessment

Facing ever-increasing legal, regulatory and resource pressures, corporate counsel and their external legal advisors must stay ahead of the curve to protect and promote their…

4 minute read

Eliminating legal task inefficiencies

Eliminating legal task inefficiencies

According to a recent Gartner survey, legal leaders are struggling with their workload since COVID-19. Along with severe cutbacks to mitigate the economic effects of…

5 minute read

Tame eDiscovery document review costs while reducing risk

Tame eDiscovery document review costs while reducing risk

Demands on legal services within the enterprise have never been greater, extending beyond litigation and regulatory compliance to privacy, data security, and risk and crisis…

3 minute read

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