Next gen, 2.0, Industry 4.0, next big thing, new and improved… What are you waiting for?

When it comes to running your business, business-to-business (B2B) process excellence is mission critical. Your business is part of an extensive ecosystem of other companies,…

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OpenText Business Network Cloud Team

May 1, 20184 minute read

When it comes to running your business, business-to-business (B2B) process excellence is mission critical. Your business is part of an extensive ecosystem of other companies, a business network of suppliers, customers, banks and more. You create your products and services with inputs from others, and you sell those products and services to others outside your enterprise. Procure to pay, order to cash, inventory management, logistics, corporate to bank are just some of the processes you must master to stay competitive. You need a digital platform that ensures optimal operations and speed to revenue across this extended business ecosystem—a platform that 100% of your trading partners and customers can participate in easily.

There are many promises of what’s to come with the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain. The benefits are here today with OpenText™ Release 16 – don’t wait and get left behind. The latest release of OpenText Business Network features many new capabilities that fulfill the promise, now.

EP4 has many “new and improved” features, including: a complete redesign of web forms to make it easier than ever for non-EDI capable partners to conduct business electronically; a fully-featured MyPortal for Cloud Fax and Notifications; expanded regional communications protocol support including Zengin and Ryutsu, used by Japanese banking and retail industries, respectively; document quarantine and auto-reject capability to ensure data quality; among many others.


But Business Network goes further with truly unique, “next gen” capabilities.

What if your trading partners could automatically be provisioned and integrated, simply based on an incoming email or fax order? OpenText delivers it today—speeding your business processes and improving data quality.

What if events or non-events (such as missing orders) in your B2B transactions could kick off alerts and workflow directly in your ERP or helpdesk systems? OpenText delivers it today—making your employees more efficient than ever and ensuring you don’t miss a beat in your order and fulfillment processes.

What if you had rich analytics at your fingertips on your supply chain operations, whether they are flowing through OpenText Business Network or not? OpenText delivers it today—giving you 360-degree visibility into risk and opportunity.


What if you could generate a visual map of your trading partner community, and drill down into how they connect to you and what documents they send? OpenText delivers it today—giving you an instant view of where you can automate more processes.


What if you had the ability to configure your service, set up your own event and non-event rules, trading partner profiles, archiving policies, and more—all without ever calling support? OpenText delivers it today with an ongoing investment in self-service capabilities—giving you speed and control to do business how you need it done.

What if you had a complete Internet of Things (IoT) platform that was focused on the lifecycle management and security of devices, systems and people they touch—all in the cloud and flexible to meet your unique needs? OpenText delivers it today with OpenText Covisint Internet of Things (Covisint IoT), and we already power the world’s largest IoT ecosystems such as GM OnStar.

Finally, what if you could turn over your entire fax operations to a trusted partner? OpenText delivers it today with a new offering Opentext RightFax™ Managed Services—letting you take a key step to going digital without draining your IT resources.

Ensure that your digital transformation initiatives reach beyond your enterprise, and don’t wait to get started. Even if you have started, check out the “next gen, 2.0, next big thing, new and improved” capabilities in OpenText Business Network today to further evolve and mature your digital business ecosystems.

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