Public Sector

Cloud for government: A look at 4 agency transformations

Government agencies are making strides on their cloud migration journey, but there is still progress to be made. At OpenText, we are well-situated to help…

June 17, 2024 5 minute read
Global governments have their eye on Artificial Intelligence

Global governments have their eye on Artificial Intelligence

Governments are drowning in data. Enterprise applications, the Internet of Things, social media, and digital citizen services are generating vast quantities of data – and…

4 minute read

2019 technology trends driving IT modernization in the Public Sector

2019 technology trends driving IT modernization in the Public Sector

In 2018, technology played a critical role in government as the public sector experienced rapid disruption in its IT systems and processes. As we shift our…

6 minute read

Four key elements to a digital government technology platform

Four key elements to a digital government technology platform

Within public sector organizations around the world, operations and maintenance costs for legacy systems continue to consume a disproportionate percentage of IT budgets. Additionally, these…

4 minute read

Why the US Government eInvoicing mandate is positive for business

Why the US Government eInvoicing mandate is positive for business

Last year, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) backed up its 2015 government eInvoicing mandate with a memo instructing all agencies to use eInvoicing…

7 minute read

Traditional records management isn’t working for government – or anybody else

Traditional records management isn’t working for government – or anybody else

Government agencies at all levels are realizing traditional records management practices are insufficient and ineffective in a digital world. Why? Digital—and increasingly mobile—citizens are driving…

4 minute read

Digital Transformation in Government, keep calm and carry on

Digital Transformation in Government, keep calm and carry on

Recently I attended a conference on Digital Transformation in Government along with leading senior managers from different government agencies in the US. We were there…

7 minute read

The Impact on Government

The Impact on Government

“Good enough” as a measure for government work is no longer good enough. The changing nature of the citizenry (Millennials and subsequent generations) will massively…

3 minute read

Empowering Government with a Digital Agenda

Empowering Government with a Digital Agenda

Like private businesses, governments are driven by information. Consider the amount of information associated with a single citizen: a birth certificate, passport, driver’s license, student…

5 minute read

Mobility is Critical for E-Government

Mobility is Critical for E-Government

Mobile devices are transforming the way citizens interact with their governments—from using digital IDs for access to program information to crowdsourcing apps to improve city…

4 minute read

Cyber Security in Government

Cyber Security in Government

Cyber-attacks are on the rise. Data breaches are becoming more common and devastating. Akamai’s State of the Internet Report revealed that hacker attacks on websites…

4 minute read

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