
Equipping threat hunters: Advanced analytics and AI part 1

As cyber threats grow more sophisticated through AI-powered malware, zero-day exploits, and state-sponsored attacks, organizations face an increasing challenge in safeguarding their digital assets. The…

September 17, 2024 6 minute read
The HAFNIUM Attack on the on-premises Microsoft Exchange Server

The HAFNIUM Attack on the on-premises Microsoft Exchange Server

On March 2, Microsoft announced that its on-premises Exchange Server had experienced multiple 0-day exploits. Microsoft commented: “In the attacks observed, the threat actor used…

3 minute read

Announcing OpenText Security and Protection Cloud CE 21.1

Announcing OpenText Security and Protection Cloud CE 21.1

Large-scale cyberattacks have recorded a 5-fold increase during the pandemic. The recent SolarWinds breach, potentially the first of many such attacks, is also among the…

5 minute read

After SolarWinds, worldwide governments can trust no one

After SolarWinds, worldwide governments can trust no one

The effects of the SolarWinds attack will be felt for a long time, and will ripple far beyond the government alone. Even though investigations and…

4 minute read

Achieving seamless eDiscovery

Achieving seamless eDiscovery

Business and litigation go hand in hand in the 21st century. From litigation support personnel to the lawyers themselves, organizations face a common challenge: how to streamline processes and procedures to simplify…

3 minute read

SolarWinds: Threat hunt to contain and eradicate

SolarWinds: Threat hunt to contain and eradicate

As the cyberattack story continues to unfold around the SUNBURST and SUPERNOVA malware distributed through a compromised SolarWinds software update, more private and public sector…

3 minute read

Meeting the new challenges of digital evidence management

Meeting the new challenges of digital evidence management

Dealing with the scale and complexity of evidence in rich-media formats (images, video and audio) is one of the key challenges in evidence management for…

3 minute read

The changing state of enterprise security

The changing state of enterprise security

Cyber security, digital investigations and eDiscovery will never be the same. In the past year, market uncertainty and changing consumer behavior have increased cybercrime and…

5 minute read

How to secure all remote work – including third-party

How to secure all remote work – including third-party

The rush to provide remote employees with access to enterprise resources at the onset of the pandemic was the tipping point for remote access as…

5 minute read

To do, know and be… ask, why not me!

To do, know and be… ask, why not me!

Authored by Maureen Kaplan, VP Sales, OpenText Security It was the response to her childhood ‘declarations of I can’t’ that changed Lieutenant General (ret) Nadja West’s…

4 minute read

Boost your digital fitness for cyber resilience in 2020 – and beyond

Boost your digital fitness for cyber resilience in 2020 – and beyond

During this tumultuous year, digital tools have let us keep working even as we’ve shuttered once-busy office spaces, moved by the millions to home offices…

3 minute read

Announcing OpenText Security and Protection Cloud

Announcing OpenText Security and Protection Cloud

2020 has proven to be an incredibly challenging year for Information Security and Investigative teams. During the pandemic, there has been a 5x increase in…

3 minute read

A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing…

A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing…

In today’s world, everything moves so fast. Everyone wants something yesterday. Everyone demands and expects more from less. Every action we take leaves a data footprint and every product we…

3 minute read

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