
OpenText Analytics Database: The ELT Advantage

Understand how OpenText Analytics Database (Vertica) revolutionizes data management by enhancing the ELT process, offering superior speed, scalability, and analytical power.

August 9, 2024 3 minute read

Another Way to De-Duplicate Table Rows: Quick Tip

To remove duplicate table rows it is typically better (i.e. faster) to create a temporary table that contains all of the distinct rows from a…

2 minute read

How to choose the best predictive analytics software in 2019

If only Kodak or Blockbuster could have seen into the future, what would they have done? If they’d had access to the latest predictive analytics…

6 minute read

What is predictive analytics?

Like Artificial Intelligence, predictive analytics is not a new concept. It has been around for many years and, like AI, it has recently come to…

6 minute read

Want less churn? It’s time you knew your customer better

As a credit card provider, you’ve got less than a six-month window to win your customer over. If your customer doesn’t use your credit card…

5 minute read

Top 5 big data analytics software benefits for manufacturing in 2019

Data has long been the lifeblood of manufacturing. Companies have used it to increase efficiencies, improve performance and productivity, and reduce waste. With the advent…

8 minute read

How to choose the best big data analytics software in 2019

Big data analytics is near the top of every CIO’s agenda. All companies are faced with an explosion in the volume and variety of data…

7 minute read

Ordering the List of Values Returned from LISTAGG

The LISTAGG function transforms non-null values from a group of rows into a list of values that are delimited by a configurable separator. LISTAGG can…

2 minute read

What is Big Data Analytics?

The amount of data in the world continues to grow at an incredible rate. IDC suggests that, by 2025, there will be 163ZB (zettabytes) of…

7 minute read

Selecting the best AI-powered analytics software for Life Sciences in 2019

Artificial intelligence or AI is fast becoming a key technology for the life sciences field. Combined with advanced analytics, it has almost limitless potential to…

8 minute read

Getting started with AI with OpenText and Deloitte

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been one of the key buzzwords in the technology industry over the last few years. From enabling devices on the Internet…

1 minute read

AI for Insight: Three things we learned at the Forrester Data Strategy and Insights Forum

We live in an age of unequaled access to data.  By some estimates, the average company has between 150 and 400 terabytes of information stored….

6 minute read

How to choose the best AI-powered analytics software in 2019

For almost as long as there has been business, there has been business analytics. Frederick W. Taylor is often credited with introducing business analytics in…

9 minute read

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