
No more chasing paper trails – capture all your financial fax with digital precision

Implementing digital fax and capture systems can lead to significant cost reductions: 

July 9, 2024 4 minute read
Effective customer information management builds better digital experiences

Effective customer information management builds better digital experiences

Delivering excellent digital customer experiences has become a defining factor for financial services organizations today. The Financial Brand suggests that banks with customer-centric cultures are 60% more…

4 minute read

How digital fax underpins trade confirmations

How digital fax underpins trade confirmations

SEC Rule 10b-10 requires broker-dealers to send customers a written confirmation on or before the completion of a transaction. It also prescribes the type of information…

4 minute read

Ride the digital ecosystem wave, securely

Ride the digital ecosystem wave, securely

Connected digital ecosystems are forecast to generate one-quarter of all global revenue by 2030 – 80 trillion USD1, and businesses are eager to get their…

3 minute read

Preparing fax for the next era of enterprise communications

Preparing fax for the next era of enterprise communications

“Wait! Are you seriously going to fax me that request?” It’s a question echoing across workplaces in industries like healthcare, financial services, and law, especially…

7 minute read

Empower business users in financial services to elevate customer experience

Empower business users in financial services to elevate customer experience

The modern workplace expects more “jack of all trades” than specialists. It’s not a new phenomenon in traditional customer communications management (CCM) for an individual…

5 minute read

Top predictions for financial services in 2023

Top predictions for financial services in 2023

With inflation, rising interest rates and general economic uncertainty, last year presented several challenges for financial services institutions (FSIs). As we move into 2023, FSIs…

4 minute read

OpenText MxDR Platform: By the numbers

OpenText MxDR Platform: By the numbers

There’s one thing about data: it doesn’t lie. It’s either on or off, zero or one.  Data protection and threat remediation are like that, too….

4 minute read

Cut the noise. Cue the results.

Cut the noise. Cue the results.

If you faced a worker shortage, wouldn’t it make sense to optimize the time of the employees you do have?  According to the latest report…

3 minute read

The human dimension of cybercrime

The human dimension of cybercrime

It’s called cybercrime, but humans are at its core, and understanding how they operate is essential for combatting their actions.  While traditional cybersecurity tactics focused…

4 minute read

The future of fax matters

The future of fax matters

Fax in 2022? Why don’t you just send it over on a dinosaur! Or a carrier pigeon? Honestly, we’ve heard them all. But fax in…

5 minute read

Communications for a new business reality

Communications for a new business reality

A global pandemic. Mandatory lockdowns. Ever-changing rules and regulations. Online grocery orders. A shift to remote working, learning and telehealth visits. The last two years…

5 minute read

Reflecting on space, time and the future of fax

Reflecting on space, time and the future of fax

Reports on the death of fax are greatly exaggerated. Like clockwork, fresh headlines abound about its decline every year or yet another mandate to “axe…

6 minute read

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