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Make agility core to your Digital Transformation initiative

A few years ago, I was at a conference listening to a presentation by a marketing director of a large tech vendor. He discussed how…

May 21, 2019 8 minute read
Harmonizing data to ensure quality data for analytics

Harmonizing data to ensure quality data for analytics

In our first blog, we saw how data is the new oil of the business engine – but how do you use available data for…

4 minute read

Are you making the most of the data you have?

Are you making the most of the data you have?

“The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.” This headline in the Economist accurately describes the world we live in today. Technology…

4 minute read

5 Evaluation Criteria for Choosing an Integration Solution

5 Evaluation Criteria for Choosing an Integration Solution

A recent report, “The Forrester Wave™: Strategic iPaaS And Hybrid Integration Platforms, Q1 2019,” by Forrester Research identifies a growing interest in integration-platform-as-a-service (iPaaS) and…

5 minute read

Drive Continuous Improvement to Accelerate Your Digital Transformation

Drive Continuous Improvement to Accelerate Your Digital Transformation

The only constant is change. While this observation has its roots in ancient Greece, few modern-day business leaders would readily dispute its accuracy today. If…

6 minute read

A Managed Services Approach to Integration and Data Management

A Managed Services Approach to Integration and Data Management

At OpenText, our vision of the integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) space wasn’t always in step with that of most other solution providers and…

4 minute read

The Pros and Cons of Microservices

The Pros and Cons of Microservices

In the world of software buzzwords, “microservices” began appearing regularly around 2012. The simple definition of microservices is a software architecture pattern that creates small…

5 minute read

Why your supply chain should not rely on legacy technology

Why your supply chain should not rely on legacy technology

The term “supply chain management” was first introduced in the early 1980s and was primarily used in manufacturing to refer to the procurement of parts…

3 minute read

When It Comes to Data, What Can Healthcare Learn from Retail?

When It Comes to Data, What Can Healthcare Learn from Retail?

Retailers are constantly looking for a way to stand out in a crowded, competitive marketplace. Their customers demand a combination of convenience, choice, quality and…

4 minute read

Tackling Complex Integrations to Enable Business Process Automation

Tackling Complex Integrations to Enable Business Process Automation

At its simplest form, integration is about extracting data from one application and moving it to another. However, reality is rarely that simple. In fact,…

4 minute read

5 Steps for Developing a Digital Transformation Strategy

5 Steps for Developing a Digital Transformation Strategy

While Digital Transformation is primarily driven by rapidly-changing technologies, its successful adoption depends on having a sound strategy. Businesses that have successfully embraced Digital Transformation…

7 minute read

APIs vs. EDI Debate – Lost in Translation

APIs vs. EDI Debate – Lost in Translation

There’s an ongoing debate about utilizing APIs vs EDI for trading partner communications within the supply chain.  EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) was first created in…

5 minute read

What is Blockchain and How Will it Impact Your Industry?

What is Blockchain and How Will it Impact Your Industry?

If you bought a single bitcoin at the start of 2017, you would have paid roughly $1,000. Assuming you did not spend it, that single…

8 minute read

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