In the constantly evolving customer experience management (CXM) landscape, OpenTextTM stands tall. Global analyst and research firm Aspire Customer Communications Services recognized OpenText Experience Cloud and OpenTextTM Exstream as Leaders in their latest Aspire LeaderboardTM update.
OpenText Experience Cloud achieves top score in capabilities and strategic direction amongst software vendors
Aspire recognizes OpenText as a leader in Communications Experience Platforms (CXP).

“We’ve received particularly positive market feedback about OpenText Exstream’s latest Cloud Edition, as well as OpenText’s AI Aviator, which provides a flexible framework for various AI applications within the CCM-CXM domain,” notes Aspire.
OpenText received among the strongest scores in platform strength, market presence, company vision and technical strategy when compared against nine other software vendors in this space. As customer communications becomes a core part of total experience, OpenText is well positioned to help organizations deliver personalized experiences at scale.

OpenText Exstream, for the seventh year in a row, named leader in CCM Software
For the seventh year in a row, OpenText Exstream was named a leader in AnyPrem CCM Software. OpenText was also named a leader in Vendor Hosted SaaS CCM. OpenText Exstream, our flagship customer communications management (CCM) offering, powers communications modernization, allowing companies to create relevant, personalized and insightful data-driven communications with digital experiences on customer-preferred delivery channels and formats.
“For its part, OpenText has taken a very measured approach to SaaS. Besides integration within SAP SuccessFactors (for HR), it has integrated Exstream SaaS with its Case Management solution, (with others in the pipeline), and made Exstream available to developers as an API-based SaaS solution on the OpenText Developer Cloud,” notes Aspire.
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