Business Network

How many gold medals would your company win at the integration Olympics?

What do Olympic athletes and the world’s strongest companies have in common? A lot, it turns out. And the key is B2B integration.

August 9, 2024 7 minute read
E-commerce and EDI: What’s the difference?

E-commerce and EDI: What’s the difference?

There are lots of different terms used to describe B2B process automation. These terms can be confusing, partly because they are so inter-related. This article…

4 minute read

What is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)?

What is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)?

As a concept, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) isn’t a new one. In fact, it can be traced all the way back to the Berlin Airlift…

8 minute read

July 2023: E-Invoicing & VAT compliance updates

July 2023: E-Invoicing & VAT compliance updates

Welcome to the July 2023 edition of our e-Invoicing newsletter. In our Hot Topics section read about the exciting new changes coming to our blog…

16 minute read

Troubles with your supply chain? Talk to your treasury team.

Troubles with your supply chain? Talk to your treasury team.

While companies will commonly examine departments like logistics and distribution to optimize their supply chains, the treasury team often goes unnoticed. However, your treasury team…

5 minute read

Midmarket supply chains are going digital

Midmarket supply chains are going digital

In the face of pervasive supply chain disruption, including the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses of all sizes have been forced to adapt quickly and find new…

4 minute read

5 reasons e-Invoicing is a must-have today

5 reasons e-Invoicing is a must-have today

Electronic invoicing is hardly new. Companies have been digitizing their invoice processes for decades to take advantage of the many clear benefits it provides both…

14 minute read

What Does ISO 20022 Mean for Corporates?

What Does ISO 20022 Mean for Corporates?

ISO 20022 demands a significant amount of attention from those involved in the payments industry. Originally developed by ISO and SWIFT, ISO 20022 is becoming…

5 minute read

Improve supply chain and ESG risk management with consolidated insights

Improve supply chain and ESG risk management with consolidated insights

Sustainability and ethical business practices are increasingly important in supply chain risk management. As regulatory developments around due diligence and reporting place new and evolving…

3 minute read

How to outperform the competition with supply chain visibility

How to outperform the competition with supply chain visibility

In today’s competitive landscape, companies need to respond to changes quickly and accurately in the market. Supply chain visibility provides companies not only the knowledge…

4 minute read

Five ways self-service B2B integration tools deliver a competitive advantage

Five ways self-service B2B integration tools deliver a competitive advantage

B2B integration is widely recognized as a cornerstone of digital transformation efforts. It allows companies of any size to realize the potential of their internal…

6 minute read

Embedded Finance: Connectivity to Unlock the Future of Banking

Embedded Finance: Connectivity to Unlock the Future of Banking

The once complicated and costly practice associated with payment processing has seen exponential change within the past decade. While many of these changes are most…

5 minute read

IDC survey reveals B2B integration priorities to drive organizational growth

IDC survey reveals B2B integration priorities to drive organizational growth

By now, it’s clear that businesses feel the pressure to focus on supply chain optimization and improve their B2B integration investments. But where to begin?…

3 minute read

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