As the amount of information businesses could use continues to build, it is rapidly surpassing our human capacity to be able to understand. That’s why Artificial Intelligence is so important. It can far surpass our processing ability and instead delivers us with answers to our questions in the form of insights that are relevant and applicable. And it is critical that the technologies we use to extract, create, and consume insights from are easy and intuitive to use, to reduce any potential barriers to the information that could optimize a business.
OpenText™ AI & Analytics CE 21.2 introduces new features and enhancements across OpenText™ Magellan™ that help support these needs.
Magellan Text Mining
Improve accuracy with Composite AI
We’re excited to announce that OpenText™ Magellan™ Text Mining is now able to perform Composite AI, an emerging technology identified by analysts. This is where the output from a Machine Learning model is used with other text Mining outputs (e.g., ML, REGEX, Controlled Vocabulary) to improve the accuracy. For CE 21.2, Composite AI is available to better identify Social Security Numbers, Personal Identifiable Information, and extract entities. In actual application, these outputs give additional context to the other models, and is especially of help when there may be highly similar information, such as a 9-digit number and SSN.
Understand Arabic
Unlock the ability to understand the voice of customers with Natural Language Understanding for the language of nearly 275 million people.
Create your own models, fast
To help support rapid time to insights, OpenText™ Magellan™ Text Mining Studio has been extended to include building and managing models and taxonomies in a simple, user friendly manner. Previous releases introduced this new UI for management of taxonomy, model, and custom text classification rules, and the creation of custom information extraction rules. These enhancements make it easier AI experts to create ML Models end-to-end with only minimal training.
Classify Content Server information
Since CE 20.3, OpenText™ Content Server can be enriched with metadata from Magellan Text Mining analysis to improve records management and findability. Now, that same content can be enriched with classification attributes, relevancy and confidence scores from Text Mining analysis.
Magellan Data Science Notebook
Deploy models as REST APIs
When organizations use AI to optimize their business, a frequent challenge is determining how to tangibly apply it and this is one reason it’s important to find existing, practical use cases. As those existing use cases are identified, AI can now be more easily utilized within them by deploying models from Magellan Notebook as a REST API service, which provides a streamlined process to integrate AI into those applications and processes.
Analyze small datasets
Analytical projects can gain insights from massive datasets, some reaching over 100 petabytes, but much analysis focuses on smaller datasets of 100 gigabytes and under. To support this trend towards smaller data projects, Magellan Notebook has improved support for small datasets with new frameworks to build ML models, the first being SciKit-Learn. These frameworks align to our open foundation and continue to expand the pool of data scientists that can enable AI use across your organization.
Magellan Data Discovery
Focus on analyzing data, not cleaning
Getting clean data is a messy, time-consuming process, that slows data experts’ ability to gather insights. To help, there are now more options for how Data Discovery’s storage, FastDB, exports to an existing table in a Relational Database Management System to ensure a cleaner transfer of data. This means it can truncate, drop, and append the table to give a more complete view of your data and minimize data cleansing and transformations required.
Alert users with new notification types
In CE 20.4 we introduced the notification center, to make it easier to stay up to date with changes and alerts that apply to them. With CE 21.2, users can now be informed with notifications about model degradation, changes to definition of analysis, model versions, and when a whole version has been shared.
Magellan BI & Reporting
Mobile experience for consuming reports
To better support the increasingly mobile workforce, CE 21.1 extended the delightful, highly interactive web experience for consuming reports on the desktop to tablets and smartphones by automatically resizing and repositioning the reports’ elements to optimally fit the available screen-size as well as by providing a touch-enabled UX.
CE 21.2 in turn makes it even easier for business users to create reports with fluid layouts that automatically adjust to the device they are viewed on by auto selecting the proper report responsiveness settings. The release also provides a more delightful touch experience when report consumers navigate a report using its table of contents or re-run it using a different set of parameter values.
Dashboard Editor enhancements
CE 21.2 introduces important usability enhancements to the WYSIWYG dashboard authoring experience such as Undo/Redo functionality, making it even easier for business users to create dashboards providing the insights they need.
Persist system usage metrics in external database
System administrators can now configure Magellan BI & Reporting to persist its system level usage metrics (e.g., #logins, #report executions) to an external Oracle database in real time. This in turn enables them to identify usage trends across any time period using virtually any Analytics technology and make the needed system and infrastructure adjustments to maximize efficiency.
Magellan Integration Center
With CE 21.1, we introduced the new exciting ability to replicate content from on-prem to the cloud, at scale, as well as align the location of data and analysis for optimal performance, called Hybrid Analytics. With CE 21.2, the performance has been iterated upon to improve the flow of data and increase the speed that it replicates your content at.
The enhancement to our cloud replication capability is part of our continued commitment to supporting organizations in the cloud, whether in a hybrid or full-cloud deployment, and across any cloud, whether OpenText or other. In addition to this enhancement, both Magellan Integration Center and Text Mining can be deployed to AWS.
Learn more
To learn more about OpenText AI & Analytics CE 21.2, visit our website.
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Learn about OpenText™ Artificial Intelligence & Analytics Services that offers advice, guidance and assistance in operationalizing products, services and solutions in the fields of Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, expert systems, speech recognition and vision.