The resilient sales organization

Over the last few years, the world has changed completely – including the dynamics between sales professionals, customers and information. As we settle into this…

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Lee Van Cromvoirt

October 11, 20222 minute read

Over the last few years, the world has changed completely – including the dynamics between sales professionals, customers and information. As we settle into this new normal, important processes and workflows for delivering sales and service to customers have been upended and permanently disrupted. Higher customer expectations need to be satisfied to help nurture these relationships in this new digital information age.

  • How do you connect with customers and still provide them with a high-level service experience while working across the challenges of hybrid work environments, amongst distractions and misinformation, to set yourself apart from the competition?
  • How do you access all customer information quickly without compromising security?
  • How do you keep your process systems up-to-date to identify new opportunities?

Customers are looking to businesses to be a trusted advisor during these challenging times. Finding new ways to stabilize sales and service operations, reduce costs, and, most importantly, nurture customer relationships remains top of mind for most organizations.

Get a 360-degree customer view!
Learn how to optimize sales operations with the information advantage.

Having a complete view of the customer with all content and information in one place provides better insights, allows you to make faster, smarter decisions, and enables you to best serve customers within their current situation.

One core factor to a resilient sales organization’s success is ensuring that customer relationships remain job number one. Finding better ways to connect with customer information inside of processes to increase productivity, as well as ensuring a great experience while identifying new opportunities, is critical.

Watch a day in the life of a Sales Professional as they optimize sales cycles through content-infused processes with OpenText™ Extended ECM.

Learn how to provide a 360-degree view of the customer to avoid potential landmines, spot new sales opportunities, and deliver a higher level of service to help grow customer accounts. Extended ECM for Salesforce is the connective tissue between all sales processes and mission critical content.

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Lee Van Cromvoirt

As part of the OpenText Alliances & Solutions Marketing team focused on Salesforce integrations, Lee’s goal is to help organizations explore how content enriched business processes are driving the information advantage.

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