My Support – We’re Here to Help!

Please note the links in this article require a My Support login. If you don’t have My Support access, please register for OpenText Connect. Select…

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December 2, 20163 minute read

My Support

Please note the links in this article require a My Support login. If you don’t have My Support access, please register for OpenText Connect. Select “Customer Support Access” in the registration form. You will receive an email confirming your registration.

We’ve all been there. It’s 8:00 p.m. on a Monday night. You’re trying to deploy your newest solution but something just isn’t working out right. You know Customer Support can help, but they won’t be online for another few hours. So what do you do?

My Support is here to help! Before you log that ticket, explore the many resources available on My Support to help you resolve your problems quickly.

Knowledge Base

Have you visited Knowledge Base lately? There are thousands of articles addressing a wide variety of topics, solutions, and fixes. OpenText experts publish and update articles every day, making the Knowledge Base a great place to get started. Do a search and see what you can find.

Ask The Community

If Knowledge Base doesn’t answer your question, try our Discussion Forums. With over 2000 contributors, including many OpenText experts, there’s a good chance you’ll find an answer in one of the many discussion topics available on the forums. If you can’t find a related topic, post a question. There are always experts online to respond quickly to your issue.

Live Chat

Prefer to speak with someone one-on-one? During regular business hours, we also have operators standing by to chat with you. Our operators can answer quick questions, help locate resources on My Support, or guide you to the best channel for finding solutions to your problems. Use chat to communicate with OpenText experts to help you find what you need.

Everything Else

Don’t forget, there is still a lot more you can do on the My Support site. You can review your open and closed tickets, receive updates on existing tickets, find the newest update or patch for your deployed software, update your system information, manage your account, view contracts, follow progress on feature requests, request a license key, make payments online, and of course log a ticket!

But before you log that ticket, take a tour of My Support. You may just find exactly what you’re looking for.

Want to learn more? Be sure to check out our new infographic today.

My Support InfoGraphic link graphic
Have Feedback or Questions?

We’d love to hear from you. On the My Support site simply click on Help > Send Feedback to let us know what you think. We also have a comprehensive Help & About guide that will highlight key actions and introductory tips to get you started.

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OpenText, The Information Company, enables organizations to gain insight through market-leading information management solutions, powered by OpenText Cloud Editions.

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