Introducing OpenText Core Signature

Customer expectations in all industries are higher than ever and they continue to climb. Expectations cross industry lines and product categories which means companies are…

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OpenText Content Cloud Team

October 1, 20192 minute read

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Customer expectations in all industries are higher than ever and they continue to climb.

Expectations cross industry lines and product categories which means companies are no longer held to the just to the standards of their competitors, but rather to a new paradigm of customer service.

The result? Businesses are increasing the priority of customer experience. For those who offer services or financing, the collaboration process and final agreement are what turn a prospect into a customer, making e-signature a critical point in the customer journey and an ideal place to invest when looking to deliver a great customer experience. Given the confidential nature of most content collaboration and agreement, security is also paramount to optimizing the customer experience.

To help OpenText™ customers enhance their client experiences, OpenText has launched OpenText™ Core Signature. Core Signature allows employees and third parties to sign quotes, contracts and other documents in a fast, secure, compliant and hassle-free way. Integrated with OpenText™ Core Share, Core Signature provides a unified solution to solve all enterprise content collaboration and approval needs with the security they require, including server certification, data encryption and  audit capabilities.

Digitizing the signing process improves productivity and helps to close deals and agreements faster. And, because Core Share integrates with existing OpenText ECM solutions, users have one holistic business process for collaborating, signing documents and auditing the document flow. This helps to extend ECM investments into the cloud and reduces information sprawl.

The time to go digital is now

Using OpenText Core Share and OpenText Core Signature to secure, modernize and streamline the collaboration and agreement experience with internal and external parties means that  your business partners are happier and employees spend less time doing paperwork and more time doing the jobs they were hired to do.

No more printing, copying, mailing or faxing documents. Make customers happier with a seamless, secure and easy collaboration and e-signature experience. And, secure your businesses’ lifeblood – your content and contracts – with the security and control of Core Share.

Visit our website to learn more, view the infographic, or try the free 90 day trial of Core Signature to see how your business can benefit today.

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OpenText Content Cloud Team

The OpenText Content Cloud offers a broad and deep suite of content management products, providing end-to-end solutions that help organizations maximize the value and minimize the risk of their information. OpenText Content Services platforms and applications support diverse business and industry needs through extensive integration capabilities, full lifecycle management and intelligent automation.

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