Business Network

How many gold medals would your company win at the integration Olympics?

What do Olympic athletes and the world’s strongest companies have in common? A lot, it turns out. And the key is B2B integration.

August 9, 2024 7 minute read
How to turn SAP migration pains into a high-yield investment

How to turn SAP migration pains into a high-yield investment

Transitioning to SAP S/4HANA is one of the biggest IT projects that many organizations will undertake in the coming years. While the original deadline of discontinuing maintenance for SAP ECC in 2025 was pushed to 2027, with…

6 minute read

Leveraging an ‘Express Lane’ approach to trading partner onboarding

Leveraging an ‘Express Lane’ approach to trading partner onboarding

If 2020 was the year of supply chain disruption, then 2021 will be the year of supply chain restructuring and transformation. Supply chain leaders around the world…

5 minute read

What’s new in CE 20.4 for OpenText Internet of Things Platform

What’s new in CE 20.4 for OpenText Internet of Things Platform

At OpenText World we presented a sneak preview of OpenText™ Internet of Things CE 20.4. This breakout session detailed the Shipment Tracking Solution Accelerator as an enabler of Shipment Intelligence. This new feature enables:  Supply Chain…

3 minute read

COVID-19, virtual trials, and a rapidly evolving supply chain

COVID-19, virtual trials, and a rapidly evolving supply chain

The prospect for a COVID-19 vaccine soon looks good as many trials show very high efficacy rates. There’s now real hope vaccines will be available…

4 minute read

You are what you eat, so what are you feeding your VIM?

You are what you eat, so what are you feeding your VIM?

Are you getting the most from your Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) solution? Many businesses that have invested in a VIM solution to manage their cashflow…

4 minute read

Businesses must get closer in a world of physical distancing

Businesses must get closer in a world of physical distancing

Kicking off his keynote at OpenText™ World 2020, John Radko, SVP of Engineering for OpenText, was quick to acknowledge that businesses­­ – and society in…

3 minute read

Announcing OpenText Business Network Cloud

Announcing OpenText Business Network Cloud

Companies around the world have faced immense disruption throughout 2020, with Deloitte highlighting that the COVID-19 pandemic will be a ‘black swan’ event, a once…

4 minute read

What are adaptive supply chains?

What are adaptive supply chains?

The COVID-19 pandemic painfully demonstrated the vulnerabilities of global supply chains. The learning must be that companies must restructure their operations to create far greater…

10 minute read

What is supply chain resilience?

What is supply chain resilience?

Global supply chains are complex beasts. They are multi-tiered, multi-dimensional ecosystems of intimately related parts that allow lean, just-in-time manufacturing, and delivery models. This complexity…

10 minute read

What is a connected supply chain?

What is a connected supply chain?

It’s no secret that today’s global supply chain is more complex than ever. It has become a digital ecosystem of suppliers, logistics companies, customers and…

11 minute read

Why small retailers are flocking to this EDI solution

Why small retailers are flocking to this EDI solution

Why is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) so important to small to medium sized businesses (SMBs) and why is it quickly becoming a necessity? Electronic Data…

3 minute read

Leveraging Managed Services to address complex integration challenges

Leveraging Managed Services to address complex integration challenges

Today’s businesses are being forced to restructure supply chains and accelerate digital transformation projects. This is primarily to help ensure that they are better prepared…

2 minute read

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