Typically, an organization’s EIM project focuses on Enterprise Content Management (ECM) implementation topics like metadata, folder structures, workflows, system integration and, increasingly, AI support. However, when it comes to Records Management, the discussion often ends with a “we will cover this in a next project phase” approach. This procrastination can pose reputational and financial risk in today’s highly regulated business environment.
Implemented correctly, Records Management can provide business-focused, efficient management of information across an organization’s information estate within an EIM strategy. Here’s how to ensure your EIM strategy is covering Records Management.
The starting point
When beginning a project, it first helps to understand why Records Management is often difficult to approach. There are a number of typical obstacles and challenging questions to Records Management, such as:
- Do we really know about our files, records, regulations, processes?
- Who is responsible for them?
- Which methodology should we follow?
- Will there be overwhelming dependencies and consequences?
- Do we have the appropriate change management skills?
In other words: the background is a grey zone of uncertainty, with cross-functional responsibility.
Benefits beyond meeting compliance requirements
What is often forgotten is that Records Management is much more useful than just for meeting compliance requirements. When starting down the path of implementing Records Management, teams are forced to think from a metalevel about what they are doing with their records and how processes could be improved. Records Management can help deliver transparency and clarity across the organization, which leads to more focus in daily work, bringing room for creativity and new ideas.
Begin your journey
A recommended starting point is to evaluate and analyze the current organizational status and requirements with regards to Records Management, which would then lead to planning the future Records Management strategy. At this point, related topics should be considered, including file intelligence, GDPR/CCPA, archiving, decommissioning and consolidation needs.
When beginning a new Records Management project, we would recommend working with experienced and qualified experts to help guide you. OpenText™ Professional Services can support you on your journey and work with you as a trusted advisor on your way to success. Learn more about OpenText ECM Records Management and how file intelligence can help with GDPR compliance
For more information on implementing records management strategy, please contact us.
Author: Martin Schwanke, Manager, Professional Services