Compliance should be a major part of any information governance strategy. Taking relevant laws, policies and regulations into consideration, while striving to protect individuals and organizations, must be a top organizational priority.

At the same time, organizations must strive to ensure quality and/or consistent products and services by adhering to sets of standards and guidelines when conducting business
To this end, organizations are subject to compliance requirements either by mandated or self-imposed specifications, guidelines, or process requirements. In either case, information is crucial to establishing the audit trail and business records that provide evidence of compliance. Hence, a well-defined information governance strategy is required to meet the varied compliance obligations.
So, how does your organization approach its information governance obligations? Does your organization look at this from an enterprise level or is it distributed at the departmental level? Does it include both document and process management? Either way, a solution that is robust, rapidly deployed, and easy to adapt can be critical in supporting any organizations Information Management strategy.
OpenText’s Document Centric Workflow (DCW) solution provides rapid deployment and easy integration into an organization’s existing technical landscape. Made up of OpenTextTM File360 document management and Execute360 process management, it is a powerful, intuitive, and scalable document management solution with robust process management capabilities.
For more information, visit our website and watch our recent webinar on how DCW could be applied to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) personal data request compliance requirements. Access the webinar now. For an abbreviated demo, watch the Document Centric Workflow use case video.