Business Network

How many gold medals would your company win at the integration Olympics?

What do Olympic athletes and the world’s strongest companies have in common? A lot, it turns out. And the key is B2B integration.

August 9, 2024 7 minute read

Haleon harnesses automated data capture to keep shelves stocked at pharmacies across Hong Kong

Here in Hong Kong, space is at an ultimate premium. At Haleon, we ensure that more than 200 pharmacies don’t waste shelf space by supplying a…

3 minute read

Reimagine work with Cloud Editions 24.1

We, at OpenText, are leading the charge in innovative digital transformation, equipping our customers with essential tools to tackle today’s most complex business challenges. The…

8 minute read

Streamline ERP migration with integration experts – Estimate ROI with our new calculator!

So, you’re facing the daunting task of modernizing or replacing your company’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Do you worry about the price tag of…

4 minute read

Quantifying the impact of B2B integration on supply chain operations 

Let’s face it: buying strategic IT solutions is not easy. Complexities around technical details, cascading effects across different functions of the organization, and meeting the…

5 minute read

How to achieve smarter product traceability

The phrase “from farm to table or farm to fork” is a clear example of traceability in the food or produce industry. It gives a…

3 minute read

Treasury Management: The true cost of manual processes and outdated data

Remaining at the forefront of the ever-evolving innovation curve is imperative for ensuring the financial vitality of any organization. Despite this urgency, numerous treasury management…

5 minute read

5 Supply chain predictions for 2024

In the fast-moving landscape of global commerce, the supply chain remains at the heart as businesses strive for efficiency, resilience, and sustainability. As we approach…

7 minute read

Top 5 predictions for manufacturing in 2024

In recent years, the manufacturing sector has experienced notable disruptions – including supply chain instability, product demand fluctuations, transportation issues, and workforce shortages. However, amidst…

6 minute read

Automating Basic Treasury Functions 

Optimizing cash flow and mitigating risk are two of the most critical tasks for treasury departments. Yet, the demands placed on the treasury team often…

5 minute read

Retail and CPG companies to focus on intelligence, engagement, and security in 2024

The retail industry has always been at the forefront of technological innovation, constantly adapting to meet the evolving needs of consumers. As we step into…

4 minute read

Predictions for the financial services industry in 2024

The word ‘rollercoaster’ best sums up 2023. We’ve experienced economic, geopolitical, technological, and societal challenges over recent months with the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, high interest…

5 minute read

The top 5 insights into post-pandemic digital supply chains

As vital engines of the world economy, supply chains profoundly impact our daily lives as consumers. They are also an area of business operations full…

7 minute read

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