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Mike Safar

Mike Safar leads product marketing for OpenText information governance products and serves as a subject matter expert on information governance solutions and best practices. Mike’s previous experience has been in product management and marketing of leading information governance products for over 25 years, starting with integrated document management, records systems, and most recently intelligent content analytics solutions. His past experience includes positions at Interwoven, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and PC DOCS Group.

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Introducing OpenText Core for Federated Compliance

Introducing OpenText Core for Federated Compliance

Holistic, cross-enterprise information governance has long been the vision for records administrators coping with large-scale enterprise content. In truth, the realities of operating a large…

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What’s new in OpenText InfoArchive Release 16 EP7

What’s new in OpenText InfoArchive Release 16 EP7

As customers move to the cloud and standardize their infrastructure in a containerized environment, the need for applications that work seamlessly in these environments is…

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What’s new in OpenText InfoArchive EP6

What’s new in OpenText InfoArchive EP6

Digital transformation is hampered when organizations have to maintain information in obsolete, and often unsupported, line of business applications. Enterprises looking to migrate this inactive…

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