What’s new in OpenText EnCase Forensic

August 2022: What’s New with EnCase Forensic v22.3 With the release of EnCase Forensic v22.3, digital forensic investigators can now take advantage of AFF4 functionality. …

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OpenText Security Cloud Team

August 08, 20222 min read

August 2022: What’s New with EnCase Forensic v22.3

With the release of EnCase Forensic v22.3, digital forensic investigators can now take advantage of AFF4 functionality.  AFF4, or the advanced forensics file format, is an open-source format used for the storage of digital evidence and data.  EnCase Forensic now supports both physical and logical reading of images, meaning an investigator can copy an entire image or only select portions of an image from another investigative tool into the EnCase format for fast, deep-drive investigations to ensure they have the information advantage needed to get to the truth faster and make the world a safer, more secure place.

November 2021: What’s new in EnCase Forensic CE 21.4  

Update 1:  Finding evidence no matter where it hides   

While evidence can hide in a number of places, one of the most common areas in which offenders leave a digital footprint is in social media and cloud-based applications.  OpenText™ EnCase™ Forensic 21.4 is focused on finding evidence no matter where it hides by enhancing the collection of cloud-based artifacts from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Microsoft Azure Blobs. 

Update 2: Improve evidence processing  

As case backlogs increase and case closure rates become longer, the pressure is on law enforcement to work smarter and faster. EnCase Forensic 21.4 delivers the ability to conduct more efficient investigations with right-click processing, allowing investigators to quickly begin an evidence processing job on specific pieces of evidence in a case versus the entire evidence file. 

Update 3:  Optimize deployment within the cloud  

Enabling investigations to utilize the speed, cost, collaboration and ease of use advantages associated with cloud computing, EnCase Forensic 21.4 improves Microsoft Azure implementation by providing an ARM template to help create the infrastructure needed to deploy EnCase Forensic within Azure.  Additionally, EnCase Forensic v21.4 enables the activation of an electronic license on an Azure virtual machine, decommission that machine and rehydrate that image on new hardware without interfering with the EnCase Forensic license. 

For more information, visit security.opentext.com.

Author: Peri Storey, Senior Product Marketing Manager

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