Delivering on your vision for business process improvement

Every organization is built with a mission to be successful. Whether yours is a small or large enterprise, your organization performs many activities to achieve…

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Advanced Technology Team

July 29, 20213 minute read

Every organization is built with a mission to be successful. Whether yours is a small or large enterprise, your organization performs many activities to achieve its mission. As organizations grow and scale in size, they evolve many moving parts. These are the work activities performed with the mission in mind, and involve business processes made up of people, systems and external parties.

To deliver on your mission, you need to consider how mature your organization’s understanding is of its business processes. And you need to think about how your organization handles the flow of work through these business processes.

As an organization achieves greater process maturity, it thrives on the inputs and outputs of work and the underlying business processes that achieve its goals. Business processes have varying levels of complexity, including human interaction, automated activities, complex business rules and dependencies on distributed systems. The efficiency of any business process is a result of how we handle the flow of activities and the information required for work to be completed. To put it simply, the Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM) states in its article, “What is Business Process Management?”:

“Workflow is more than just simply moving things from A to B to C to D, because it allows tasks to be carried out in parallel, saving time and increasing productivity.”

Let’s consider that everyone is a stakeholder in business process management (BPM) in some form or another. We are surrounded by business processes in our everyday work. Although some might not consider their input to be valuable, when implementing a business process management strategy or solution, it is important to consider all input—from the loudest to the most silent of individuals. The information gathered from the individuals involved provides insight on business rules, timing, cost, responsibilities and systems. By pulling together all of this valuable input, your organization can realize its business process management strategy, and—subsequently—move toward smarter workflow.

So, it is to our benefit to implement smart workflow that moves work through specified tasks, producing the desired outcomes efficiently and with minimal costs. What is the result of any BPM information-gathering exercise? The initial benefit might be a well-documented understanding of business processes and workflows that are handled through distributed systems and manual steps—for example, email, dashboards and lists. But eventually, you’ll need a more robust solution, one that introduces structured workflow that provides automation and accountability and, essentially, centralizes the key aspects of your business processes.

This is where OpenText™ MBPM provides a smart way forward. OpenText MBPM offers a robust, proven platform to facilitate continuous business process improvement within your organization. You can easily deploy MBPM and begin to rapidly design smart workflows. And MBPM reduces the amount of time it takes to get from start to finish by introducing parallel workflow and automation, increasing efficiencies in any given process. OpenText MBPM delivers the insight, power and agility you need to make any organization’s vision for business improvement a reality.

For more information, visit these resources on BPM and OpenText MBPM.

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