
What’s new in OpenText Media Management Cloud Edition (CE) 20.2

What’s new in OpenText Media Management Cloud Edition (CE) 20.2

All organizations are faced with increasing demands for images and video for marketing and operational purposes. Managing higher volumes, larger file sizes, more diverse formats,…

4 minute read

Don’t ignore the strain of “information overload” on a newly remote workforce

Don’t ignore the strain of “information overload” on a newly remote workforce

Labeled ‘the world’s largest work-from-home experiment’, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced tens of millions of employees across organizations of every size into remote working. Behind…

5 minute read

Being data-driven in the experience economy

Being data-driven in the experience economy

Guest blog by Sheryl Kingstone, Research Vice President & General Manager – VOCUL, 451 Research. Significant disruption across industries and the rising influence of the…

4 minute read

The value of process analysis during uncontrollable times

The value of process analysis during uncontrollable times

It seems like 2020 is going to be known as the year that organizations will be tested on adapting to situations out of our control!…

2 minute read

Empower your remote workforce with OpenText on Microsoft Azure

Empower your remote workforce with OpenText on Microsoft Azure

With the recent increase in remote and home-based workers, organizations must now manage key applications and secure their remote workforce in a rapid and cost-effective…

3 minute read

Becoming a fully digital finance organization

Becoming a fully digital finance organization

Twitter recently announced that employees could now work from home on a permanent basis if they so choose, as did Square. OpenText™ has also moved…

3 minute read

Introducing OpenText Content Cloud for Life Sciences

Introducing OpenText Content Cloud for Life Sciences

OpenText™ is thrilled to announce the launch of OpenText Content Cloud™ for Life Sciences, an innovative new offering that brings the proven productivity and governance…

3 minute read

Feature engineering in machine learning – part 3

Feature engineering in machine learning – part 3

In the first part of this series, we covered different types of data in Machine Learning, their mathematical interpretation and how to use it in…

5 minute read

Cloud: The operating engine for information-fueled business transformation

Cloud: The operating engine for information-fueled business transformation

Guest blog by Melanie Posey, Research Vice President and General Manager, Voice of the Enterprise, 451 Research. In times of crisis, resiliency is the key…

5 minute read

Amplify the Voice of the Customer with technology

Amplify the Voice of the Customer with technology

We are all customers, and as customers we often find our relationship with contact centers is ‘complicated’, frustrating, and sometimes just hard work. Most of…

4 minute read

Building a resilient supply chain

Building a resilient supply chain

The massive disruption caused by the coronavirus outbreak has highlighted significant challenges in global supply chains. As highlighted in Fortune magazine: “The coronavirus pandemic has…

4 minute read

How to keep your remote work team together

How to keep your remote work team together

Remote work teams around the world are showing that despite today’s extraordinary circumstances, we can still churn out hearty levels of productivity. But it’s challenging….

4 minute read

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