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Cesar Vasquez

Cesar is an international senior product, marketing and strategy expert with more than 25 years on the Technology space with experience in Latin, North American and European markets. He supports OpenText Developer and focuses on providing marketing support to Information Management (IM) application developers and communities. He covers best practices, market trends and announcements and shares his expertise in his blog

Learn all about developer services in 15 minutes

Developers can find it hard to gain insightful and practical knowledge about developer services. Reading lengthy, business-oriented documentation doesn’t always provide the information you’re looking…

August 20, 2021 3 minute read
OpenText Developer: One place for all your developer needs

OpenText Developer: One place for all your developer needs

Application Developers are the foundation of software companies around the world. Their expertise, abilities and creativity fuel the creation of new applications and solutions that…

3 minute read

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